Cherrybrook Technology High School

Telephone02 9484 2144

Stage 4

Moving to High School is an important and exciting time for both students and parents/carers. At Cherrybrook Technology High School an Information Night is held every year. The evening involves an information session with the opportunity to ask questions either at the school or via a Live Stream Event. No bookings are necessary and parents/carers and students who are interested in understanding more about CTHS are welcome to attend. The date for this evening in 2022 is Monday 9 May, 6pm – 7pm (see below for details).

Comprehensive information regarding subjects and activities available at CTHS in Stage 4 along with details of administration processes are outlined in the Stage 4 booklet available for download below.

Information for New Stage 4 Students and Parents

Stage 4 Head Teacher: Rebecca Howard –

  • The Stage 4 Head Teacher is responsible for managing the educational outcomes, discipline and wellbeing of all students in Stage 4 and is responsible for parent enquiries to the school regarding Year 7 and Year 8 students.

Year 7 Advisers (2025): Victoria Porreca and Zahra Stace
Year 8 Advisers (2025): Jessica Morgan and David Oksinski

  • Year Advisers manage the wellbeing and regularly mentor students from their year group. They remain as Year Advisers to their year group from Year 7 until the end of the students’ time at school at the end of year 12. They run year assemblies and help coordinate a number of welfare programs such as school camps, peer support, resilience programs and gala days.

Year 7 specific information can be found here.

Year 8 specific information can be found here.

High Potential and Gifted Education (formerly GATS program) specific information can be found here.